Stillmunkes, Mark (d/b/a Stillmunkes, Inc.): $76,050.00 claim for payment of brush removal services - S 352
Tuchalski, Jane: $4,184.20 medical expenses claim - S 452
VanMinsel, Joshua J.: $1,033.50 claim for incorrect vehicle title - S 327
Vyvyan, William R. (d/b/a Timberline Whitetails): $20,000.00 claim for the value of two buck fawns - S 450
Wachowiak, William: $1,000.00 property damage claim - S 327
Westhpal, Kelly: $100.00 property damage claim - S 325
William F. Markwardt Trust: $3,430.00 overpayment of taxes claim - S 819
Workforce Resource, Inc.: $120,833.12 claim for damages re alleged breach of a lease - S 817
Ziegert, Kevin: $129.95 claim for costs incurred re an error in Corr.Dept's electronic monitoring system - S 819
Zielinski, Martin and Julia: $7,420.00 income tax refund claim - S 820
clemency Clemency, see Pardons
colon, pedro a Colon, Pedro A.
Resigned effective 9/17/10. Represented 8th Assembly District. Appointed to the Milwaukee County Circuit Court - A 1013
committee of conference Committee of conference
On AB-75, biennial budget bill
(Senate requests conference pursuant to Joint Rule 3) - A 287; S 218
(Assembly conferees) - A 287
(Senate conferees) - S 218
(Report to Senate) - S 226
committees _ appointment to _ assembly Committees — Appointment to — Assembly
Administrative Rules, Joint Committee for Review of - A 25
Aging and Long Term Care - A 116
Agriculture - A 22
Assembly Organization - A 177, 371, 804
Suder, replaced - A 177, 371
Audit Committee, Joint Legislative - A 25
Building Commission - A 30, 998, 1002
Black, replaced - A 998
Hintz, replaced - A 1002
Children and Families - A 22
Claims Board - A 29
Sherman, resigned - A 969
Clean Energy Jobs, Special Assembly Committee on - A 563, 569, 570
Colleges and Universities - A 23
Consumer Protection - A 23, 56
Gundrum, replaced - A 56
Corrections and the Courts - A 23, 56
Gundrum, resigned - A 999
Criminal Justice - A 23
Criminal Penalties, Joint Review Committee on - A 362, 367, 368
Education - A 23
Education Reform - A 23, 63
Elections and Campaign Reform - A 23, 371, 530
Roth, replaced - A 371
Employment Relations, Joint Committee on - A 25
Energy and Utilities - A 23
Ethics and Standards of Conduct, Special Committee on - A 459
Gundrum, resigned - A 999
Finance, Joint Committee on - A 25, 992
Colon, resigned - A 1013
Sherman, resigned - A 969
Financial Institutions - A 23
Fish and Wildlife - A 23, 56, 394, 395, 804
Suder, replaced - A 394, 395
Turner, removed - A 31
Forestry - A 24, 537
Sherman, resigned - A 969
Health and Healthcare Reform - A 24
Housing - A 31, 418, 424, 530
Roth, replaced - A 418, 424
Information Policy and Technology, Joint Committee on - A 362
Sherman, resigned - A 969
Information Technology Management Board - A 126, 497
Insurance - A 24, 367, 368, 530, 804
Suder, replaced - A 367, 368
Jobs, the Economy, and Small Business - A 24
Judiciary and Ethics - A 24, 1013
Colon, resigned - A 1013
Gundrum, resigned - A 999
Justice Assistance, Advisory Committee to the Office of - A 354
Labor - A 24, 131
Benedict, removed - A 31
Legislative Organization, Joint Committee on - A 25
Midwest Interstate Passenger Rail Commission (MIPRC)
Gottlieb, resignation from - A 969
Natural Resources - A 24
Personal Privacy - A 56, 411, 804
Monitoring of Electronic Mail Usage (AB-30) - A 135
REAL ID (AB-137) - A 135
RFID Sale of Consumer Goods (AB-29) - A 135
Unlawful Use of GPS (AB-171) - A 135
Gundrum, resigned - A 999
Suder, replaced - A 411
Preventing Home Foreclosures, Speaker's Task Force on - A 271
Public Health - A 24
Public Safety - A 55
Renewable Energy and Rural Affairs - A 24, 56
Retirement Systems, Joint Survey Committee on - A 26
Rules - A 24, 371, 804